Willy Vande Walle
KU Leuven. Specially appointed professor emeritus

The European Library of CEEJA, Colmar, Alsace

The Centre Européen d’études japonaises d’Alsace (CEEJA) holds about 135,000 tomes or volumes (not titles), making it one of the biggest Japanese studies libraries in Europe. Its holdings are an aggregate of several components, basically all stemming from donations. The oldest component comprises books from the former boarding school of Lycée Seijo d'Alsace. These books were meant to serve as reference materials for the boarding schools pupils. Still, they constitute a wealth of multi-volume reference works, of encyclopaedias 事典 on a wide range of cultural and historical topics, as well as anthologies and collections of Japanese literature.

Several more donations were added to this first layer. In 2020, Christiane Séguy, honorary professor at the University of Strasbourg donated her books on the Meiji period. The library also received a large collection of several hundred volumes from the Keio University professor Hayami Akira related to economic and social history, and historical demography, and recently the sizable personal library of Hidemura Senzô (1922-2021), the eminent economic historian of Kyûshu University. 

Although the various abovementioned components are impressive, they are dwarfed by the personal library of Regine Mathias and Erich Pauer, two German Japanologists, formerly professors at the universities of Bochum and Marburg respectively. Regine Mathias is a specialist in economic history of Japan, and Erich Pauer is an expert on the history of technology in in modern Japan. Although their library covers just about all major areas of Japanology, it is especially the studies and resource materials that are related to their respective fields of research that are extensive and rare among Japanese studies libraries in Europe. 

I will introduce the richness and especially the specific characteristics of this library, I will give an overview of its constituent components, present its main sources, and highlight its strengths.

Centre Européen d'études japonaises d'Alsace(アルザス日本研究センター、CEEJA)は、「135,000冊(書目ではない)」を所蔵する、ヨーロッパ最大級の日本研究図書館と言われている。その蔵書は、基本的にすべて寄贈によるもので、最も古いものは、かつての寄宿学校リセ成城ダルザスから譲り受けたものである。これらの図書は、もともと寄宿学校の生徒が参考資料として利用するものであったが、日本研究にも役立つ、多巻の参考書、幅広い文化的・歴史的トピックの百科事典、日本文学のアンソロジーやコレクションを含んでいる。


