International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)

The International Research Center for Japanese Studies (IRCJS, Nichibunken) is an inter-university research institute with the goals of carrying out international, scholarly, and interdisciplinary research on Japanese culture, and providing research support to Japan studies scholars around the world. In that spirit, this library's mission is to build a wide-ranging collection of bibliographical sources required for the study of Japan and to make those sources available for Japan studies scholars in Japan and overseas to use in their research. 
国際日本文化研究センター: https://www.nichibun.ac.jp/
図書館: https://www.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/library/
データベース: https://www.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/db/

The characteristic materials of the IRCJS have been photographed and digitized and are available in the following database.
怪異・妖怪画像データベース: https://www.nichibun.ac.jp/YoukaiGazouMenu/
所蔵地図データベース: https://lapis.nichibun.ac.jp/chizu/

国際日本文化研究センター所蔵資料はOCLC WorldCatで検索することが可能です。OCLC WorldShare ILLにも参加しているため、海外からの貸出/複写依頼に容易に応え
IRCJS materials are searchable in OCLC WorldCat, and we participate in OCLC WorldShare ILL and respond to international ILL requests.
ILLサービス: https://www.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/library/guide/ill_order/

国際日本文化研究センター発行の学術論文誌『日本研究』『Japan Review』には、世界各国の研究者による日本研究論文が発表されます。これらをはじめとする当センター発行出版物の多くを、オープンアクセスとして公開しています。
The IRCJS publishes the academic journals 'Nihon Kenkyu' and 'Japan Review', in which scholars from around the world present their research articles on Japan. The repository offers open access to the full text of a growing proportion of the academic research of the IRCJS.
オープンアクセス: https://nichibun.repo.nii.ac.jp/

IRCJS opens its doors to the world by inviting many visiting scholars and research fellows to participate in team research projects.
IRCJS is the institutional home of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sōkendai) Department of Japanese Studies. The Department offers graduate instruction and guidance toward the Ph. D. degree. The Center provides orientation and guidance on Japanese studies for Japanese and foreign graduate students who are affiliated with other educational institutions.
共同研究: https://www.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/research/#coop
大学院教育: https://www.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/education/