Europe - France

Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) -- Phase 1 --


Library Home: La bibliothéque de Paris


Library, 22, avenue du Président Wilson – 75116 Paris France


Antony Boussemart
Deputy Librarian
Tel: +33 (0)1-53-70-18-43
Fax: +33 (0)1-53-70-87-60

Size of collection

EFEO has no specific antiquarian collections. EFEO is a partner of the Bulac library which, on the other hand, has approximately 2000 titles.

Access to bibliographic data

Online catalogues
The different libraries part of the Bulac have started to catalogue their non-latin script manuscripts in the Online Catalogue of Archives and Manuscripts of Higher Education Libraries

How can researchers gain access to the material?

Application must be made in advance to the Librarian giving details of the reason for consulting the material and the date of visit.

Select bibliography of publications about the collections (books, articles)

本棚の中のニッポン : 海外の日本図書館と日本研究 / 江上敏哲著, 笠間書院, 2012

Is reproduction of the material permitted ?

If there is no existing reproduction, the reader may be authorized to take his / her own digital pictures. Flash is not allowed. Photocopies are not permitted.