Oceania - Australia

Asian Studies Research Collection, Sir Louis Matheson Library, Monash University -- Phase 2 --


Library Home Page: Asian Studies Research Collection


Monash University Library, Building 4, Clayton, VIC. 3800, Australia


Ayako Hatta
Japanese Studies Librarian
Tel: +61 3 9902 4283
Fax: +61 3 9905 9142
e-mail: Ayako.Hatta@monash.edu

Size of collection

Asian Studies Research Collection has no specific antiquarian collections but Rare Books Collection has Suetsugu collection of eighteenth and nineteenth century Japanese books consists primarily of Japanese editions of Chinese classics and Chinese and Japanese commentaries on them.

Access to bibliographic data

Online catalogues
All accessable from online catalogue

How can researchers gain access to the material?

All materials are for use within the Library.

Is reproduction of the material permitted ?

Photocopying can be arranged, depending on the extent of the copying required and the condition of the item.