●The Yomiuri Shimbun


"Yomidas" is a digital archive covering the entire history of newspaper publishing by The Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s leading daily. The archive contains more than 18 million articles printed by the newspaper since its first issue in 1874. Yomidas is updated daily, with about 250,000 additions each year, making it the largest among Japanese major newspapers by far.


In April 2024, 'Yomidas' underwent a major renewal. The new 'Yomidas' allows users to search all articles at once, including those preserved as newspaper images from 150 years ago, using a single keyword. This means users can find articles from any period, whether they are recorded as text data from 1986 onwards or as earlier articles preserved as images.


For example, if a user searches for 'Europe,' they can simultaneously search all articles, whether these articles are text data from the 2000s or newspaper images preserved from 150 years ago. Articles from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras, which are available as newspaper images, are tagged with modern headlines and keywords. This feature enables users to search for and find articles from any period.


You can also search for Meiji-era articles using modern language. For example, if you search for "Europe," you will find articles tagged with keywords like "欧州" and the old term "欧羅巴," which is no longer used today.


Starting from January 1, 2023, in addition to individual article clippings, entire pages of the newspaper are available as images. This allows you to see the full layout of the page, making it easy to grasp the news value at a glance.

Also available as an option is a collection of images from regional editions of the paper from 1933 onward. Headline and keyword searches are available for major articles in Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, with Ibaraki currently being added.

The digital archive comprises four sections plus an optional feature:
■ The Meiji, Taisho & Showa eras (1874 to 1989)
■ The Heisei & Reiwa eras (from 1986 onward; 250,000 stories added each year)
■ The Japan News, The Yomiuri Shimbun’s English-language daily (since 1989)
■ Contemporary Who’s Who (profiles of 23,000 noteworthy people)
■ Regional Sections (Showa era, 1933 to 2001) optional feature

さらにヨミダスは、読売新聞社が発行する日刊英字紙「The Japan News」(旧The Daily Yomiuri)の1989年以降の記事も検索できます。主な記事には「平成・令和」の邦文記事とのリンクがあります(2011年8月から)。現代の日本国内外のキーパーソン、約2万3000人分の人物データを収録した「現代人名録」では、経歴や業績の確認ができます。

On top of that, users can also access articles from 'The Japan News' (formerly 'The Daily Yomiuri') from 1989 onwards. Major articles in 'The Japan News' have been linked to their Japanese originals in the Heisei and Reiwa eras section since August 2011. The 'Contemporary Who's Who' database contains information on approximately 23,000 key figures from Japan and abroad, allowing you to verify their backgrounds and achievements.


Please make use of the newly updated "Yomidas" for your research on modern and contemporary Japanese history, as well as for Japanese language education.


The Yomiuri Shimbun is delighted to be taking part in this year’s workshop at EAJRS. 
In our presentation and workshop, we will demonstrate and introduce the basic functions and convenient search methods of the newly updated 'Yomidas'. We hope you enjoy the new features, including the new 'Search Print edition' function, which allows you to view the pages of the paper as if you were flipping through a newspaper.

e-mail: yomidas@yomiuri.com