Combination of JACAR and foreign primary sources (2018)

Masunaga, Shingo

The establishment of the Japan Centre for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) enabled us to search millions of primary sources online. On the other hand, in Estonia, digitalization of the materials of the Estonian National Archives (ERA) is proceeding as well. The combination of the newly available online sources created a synergy in terms of the research of the Interwar Baltic-Japanese relationship.

Replenishment of the collection of manuscripts and block-prints (2018)

Marandjian, Karine

The Japanese collection of manuscripts and block-printed books was replenished by a substantial number of xylographs transferred from Moscow Library For Foreign Literature to the IOM RAS in 1980s and until recently has not been investigated. It includes more than 50 titles in approximately 150 volumes.
In my opinion, all books are related to the kokugaku tradition and form a thematically united and complete collection that once belonged to some unidentified collector or scholar.

Reading room in Chiune Sugihara memorial museum (2018)

Kumpis, Arvydas

Chiune Sugihara museum is a public institution primarily functioning as a memorial site for Japanese consul Chiune Sugihara. Nevertheless, the Sugihara foundation – Diplomats for Life have also an objective to gather intellectual potential, not only the people from scientific and cultural spheres of life, for the mutual effort analyzing the manifestations of tolerance and hate but also the published materials. This objective is mainly carried out by creating a specialized collection, functioning as a reading room in the museum.

The fate of the Japanese embassy library, Berlin after WWII (2018)

Koyama, Noboru

After Germany had been defeated in May 1945, Japanese documents and books in Germany were seized by the Allied Powers such as the United States and Britain initially for military intelligence and military tribunals, then for other purposes. Some of them were brought to the United Sates and were microfilmed in Alexandria near Washington D.C. The largest collection of those confiscated Japanese materials in Germany is sometimes described as the Library of Japanese Embassy, Berlin which had contained the Embassy’s books and documents, but also books and private materials of the Japanese nationals who were living in Germany, mainly in Berlin, during the War.

The first Japanese books to reach Europe? (2018)

Kornicki, Peter

The earliest Japanese books known to have reached Europe in the seventeenth century and still to be found there are mostly in libraries in England and Ireland. How did they get there and what connection did they have with the English Factory (trading outpost) in Hirado, which was operating from 1613 to 1623? What was the subsequent fate of those books and what impact did they have? What other Japanese books reached Europe in the seventeenth century and what happened to them?

Make Japanese exposition and exhibition materials open access (2018)

Kikkawa, Hideki


Database List for Japanese Studies (2018)

Kamiya, Nobutake

日本学関連データベースと一口にいうと簡単に聞こえますが、オンラインデータベースやオンラインで閲覧できる資料が次々と誕生している昨今、これをすべて網羅し、学生や研究者に提供するのは難しいことです。そしてこれを、各大学、研究所にある日本学関連の図書館員が把握し何らかの形で提供するのはおそらく不可能でしょう。そこで、こうした情報をみんなで書いて、集めた情報はCC0(パブリックドメイン) として共有し、みんなが好き勝手に使ってもらおう、というのがこのプロジェクトの趣旨です。

System of integrated studies of cultural and research resources (2018)

Gotō, Makoto
Shibutani, Ayako
Ishitsuka, Masateru

The National Museum of Japanese History (NMJH; popularly known in Japanese as Rekihaku) is developing a comprehensive digital network of Japanese historical resources as part of the core research ‘Constructing Integrated Studies of Cultural and Research Resources’. This project enables access to data in universities and museums across Japan through interdisciplinary studies in the humanities and sciences using information infrastructure. This digital network includes links to relevant information; search results can display advanced information.
