The Harvard-Yenching Library is currently seeking candidates for the position of Librarian for Japanese Studies. For further information and to submit an application, please visit Harvard Careers at the following link: Harvard Careers - Librarian for Japanese Studies.
The East Asia Section of the Bodleian Libraries is offering an exciting opportunity for a self-motivated, creative and visionary individual to work as the Japanese Studies Librarian, supporting world class research and teaching in Japanese Studies for Social Sciences and the Humanities.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are advertising the position of Head of Japanese and Korean Section at the Cambridge University Library. All details can be found at the link below.
With all good wishes,
Job opening: German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ Tokyo)
The German Institute for Japanese Studies in Tokyo is recruiting a full-time librarian. Expected starting date: 1 April 2023. Application
deadline: 20 February 2023.
More information in English (PDF <>) and in Japanese (PDF <>) and on our website <>.
Dear Colleagues,
Duke University Libraries seeks an engaged and knowledgeable librarian for Japanese studies.