
  • 題簽左肩双辺⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen: 1) daisen, 2) position, 3) frame. N.B. 2) 左肩/中央 3) 単辺・双辺 N.B. these expressions can be freely combined with what follows.
  • 題簽左肩朱色紙⌈・・・ 上(中・下)⌋
    General pattern for daisen when there are multiple daisen with the same title.
  • 題簽左肩双辺墨書⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen specifying that it is handwritten.
  • 題簽左肩双辺(印)⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen specifying that it is printed.
  • 題簽左肩朱色紙⌈・・・⌋or 柿渋色紙 or 縹色紙
    General pattern for daisen specifying the colour of the paper used.
  • 題簽左肩本文同筆⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen specifying that the calligraphy is the same of the main text.
  • 題簽左肩単辺⌈・・・⌋(⌈・・・⌋は墨書)
    General pattern for daisen specifying that some parts of the daisen are written and not printed.
  • 題簽左肩金銀雲霞模様鴇色紙本文同筆⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen specifying the type of the paper and that the calligraphy is the same of the main text.
  • 題簽左肩後補⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen specifying that it is a daisen added later.
  • 題簽左肩後補墨書⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen specifying that it is a daisen added later and handwritten.
  • 題簽左肩単辺(枠刷)⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for daisen specifying that its frame is printed.
  • 題簽左肩双辺⌈・・・⌋(⌈・・・⌋は角書)
    General pattern for daisen specifying what part is the tsunogaki.
  • 題簽左肩双辺⌈・・・⌋(⌈・・・⌋は割書)
    General pattern for daisen specifying that a part is written as warisho.
  • 題簽左肩双辺⌈・・・⌋(上部破損)
    General pattern for daisen specifying a problem in physical conservation.
  • 題簽左肩⌈・・・⌋(■■■筆)
    General pattern for daisen specifying the name of the person who wrote the daisen.
  • 題簽左肩本文同筆⌈・・・⌋(書名は題簽より)
    General pattern for daisen specifying that the title is based on the daisen.
  • 題簽左肩双辺⌈・・・⌋(書名・著者は題簽より)
    General pattern for daisen specifying that the author and the title are based on the daisen.