
  • 奥付⌈・・・⌋
    General pattern for 奥付.
  • 奥付⌈・・・⌋とあり
    General pattern for 奥付 (alternative).
  • 奥付⌈・・・⌋(⌈・・・⌋は押印、⌈・・・⌋は墨書)
    Pattern to be used when the oshiin 押印 or something written in ink accompanies the 奥付.
  • 奥付: ⌈・・・⌋(本書3編を含む)に続いて、刊記⌈・・・⌋あり
    Pattern to be used when both 刊記 and 奥付 are used.
  • 奥付: ⌈伊勢物語傍注⌋以下出版目録あり。続いて⌈・・・⌋とあり
    Pattern to be used when 奥付, 刊記 and 蔵版目録 are present all together.
  • 奥書⌈…⌋(場所)
    General pattern for 奥書.
  • 奥書(場所)⌈…⌋
    General pattern for 奥書 (alternative).
  • 場所奥書⌈…⌋
    General pattern for 奥書 (alternative).
  • 奥書(末)に⌈…⌋とあり
    Alternative pattern when the whole 奥書 is not written
  • 写, 写之, 冩此、重写捧写之, 書写之畢, 文之書、書, 誌, 其誌, 謹書之, しるす
    Expressions used after the name of the copist : we find 写 or [写] in the PUB field.
  • 場所に⌈...⌋とあるものの写
    Pattern used when one can't decide the nature of the note about the copying (奥書, 本奥書, 識語).
  • 場所に⌈...⌋とあり
    Pattern used when one can't decide the nature of the note about the copying (奥書, 本奥書, 識語).
  • 奥書/識語⌈... (印⌈…⌋)⌋
    Seal at the end.
  • 奥書⌈... 写者名 [花押]⌋
    Signature (kao 花押) at the end.
  • 奥書(朱筆)⌈...⌋
    When a different colour is used.